When troubleshooting OS Deployment in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, I really miss the state messages from the advertisement status in ConfigMgr 2007.
You can find the same information in reports, but for this scenario, I really prefer the Status Messages.
This guide will help you create a Status Message Query for a Specific Deployment ID.
First you need to get the deployment ID of the Task Sequence you wish to monitor.
Monitoring -> Overview -> Deployments. (The Deployment ID are not displayed by default).
Navigate to the Status Message Queries:
Monitoring -> Overview -> System Status -> Status Message Queries, and click Create Status Message Query.
Give the Status Message Query a name, and click Edit Query Statement…
Click Show Query Language.
Copy the following Query into the Query Statement, and click OK.
Replace the site code (P01) and the Deployment ID (P01200ED), in the query.
select stat.*, ins.*, att1.*, att1.AttributeTime from SMS_StatusMessage as stat left join SMS_StatMsgInsStrings as ins on stat.RecordID = ins.RecordID left join SMS_StatMsgAttributes as att1 on stat.RecordID = att1.RecordID inner join SMS_StatMsgAttributes as att2 on stat.RecordID = att2.RecordID where att2.AttributeID = 401 and att2.AttributeValue = "P01200ED" and stat.SiteCode = "P01" and att2.AttributeTime >= ##PRM:SMS_StatMsgAttributes.AttributeTime## order by att1.AttributeTime desc
Click OK, and complete the wizard.
Now we’re ready to launch the Query:
Select the date and time (default 1 hour ago), and click OK.
And now we’re ready to monitor the deployment like we did in the good old CM07 days J
Can you please explain a bit about the Query? Thank you.
Sure… All you need to do, is to copy the query at replace the Site Code and the Deployment ID. Then it should be working just fine.
Thank you. I would like to know what is it doing? Maybe some details about the language?
Great query thank you I was looking everywhere for this..
Great Query. Is there any way of changing the system value from Minint-xxxxxxx to the actual machine name that is being configured.
Absolutely… You can change the ComputerName dynamically. I always recommend using the MDT Toolkit.
Here is an example: https://www.ronnipedersen.com/2014/10/setting-osdcomputername-using-customsettings-ini/
Thanks for this, have you seen any of these queries return results for “Application Model” apps?
I normally don’t use Applications in my Task Sequence. I always use packages.
Great query! I’ve been looking to do this within SQL and that’s how I landed on this page, I was thinking there was no other option but clearly there is 🙂 Thanks!